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Search Results For 'TABOR'

  • Independence Institute Comments on Initiative 31 Draft Analysis – Income Tax Cut

    Independence Institute Comments on Initiative 31 Draft Analysis – Income Tax Cut0

    The state constitution requires the state to produce a voter information booklet, commonly known as the “Blue Book,” on every legislatively referred and citizen initiated measure to appear on the statewide election ballot. The booklet, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (LCS), must provide fair and impartial analysis of each measure. LCS solicits comments from the

  • News on My Son, Chance

    News on My Son, Chance0

    Over the years, I’ve written to you about my son, Chance. Chance has Down Syndrome and has gone through some 14 medical operations, including open-heart surgery at just a few weeks old. I’ve also told you about our many fights with the Boulder Valley School District administration as they robbed him of over a year

  • Guess Who Stopped a Tax Grab (It Wasn’t Me)

    Guess Who Stopped a Tax Grab (It Wasn’t Me)0

    I don’t like country music, but I won’t denigrate those who do. And for you people who like country music, denigrate means “put down.” There’s an old country song titled, “If Your Phone Don’t Ring, You Know It’s Me.” And here’s why I’m thinking about it: How much did this one lady save Colorado taxpayers?

  • We Just Suffered a Setback

    We Just Suffered a Setback0

    Yep, disappointment. I bought a DVD on how to deal with disappointment. When I opened the box, it was empty. We are tenacious here at Independence. We are never content to just research or comment on what needs to be done to advance the Colorado Character. We take action. After seeing some of the questionable,

  • Guess Who’s Learning about the Cold War for the First Time

    Guess Who’s Learning about the Cold War for the First Time0

    You’ve heard me babble on about my daughter, Piper, who I fear is more conservative than I. I fall on the libertarian side of the fence, she falls on the conservative side of the fence. And then, well, she plans to turn the fence into a big, beautiful wall that I am to pay for.

  • Watch Them Shoot Down These Great Ideas!

    Watch Them Shoot Down These Great Ideas!0

    Since our founding in the mid-1980s, Independence Institute has worked on turning great policy ideas into legal reality. From TABOR to term limits, charter schools, and concealed carry, we bring ideas forward and move them from being ridiculed into law. So, imagine our excitement to see Republican leaders in both the State House and Senate


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