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  • Eternal LIFO: Unlawful Layoff Procedures in Unionized Colorado School Districts

    Eternal LIFO: Unlawful Layoff Procedures in Unionized Colorado School Districts0

    • November 30, 2016

    Passed in 2010, Senate Bill 191 was a landmark piece of education reform legislation that garnered significant bipartisan support, including unanimous support from Republican legislators. The bill amended Colorado’s Licensed Personnel Performance Evaluation Act and the Teacher Employment, Compensation, and Dismissal Act (TECDA) to align state statute more closely with the goal of ensuring that every student is taught by an effective teacher.

  • Masters v. School District Number 1

    Masters v. School District Number 10

    • June 9, 2016

    The Independence Institute has long been a champion of tenure reform, local control, and flexibility in the realm of school and district personnel decisions. In 2010, the Institute was part of a broad, bipartisan coalition supporting Senate Bill 191, Colorado’s teacher evaluation and tenure reform bill. It continues to defend SB 191’s critical reforms from both

  • Unions, Hackers, and Genitalia Tweets! Oh My!0

    • January 21, 2016

    At six years old, I’m probably a little too young to take classes on detailed human anatomy. Fortunately, the Douglas County Federation of Teachers (DCFT) recently stepped up to the plate to help me learn this important material. Always thinking of the kids, those folks. As a healthy reminder that the teachers union holds the […]

  • Little Eddie’s Look Back at 20150

    • December 31, 2015

    I can’t believe I’m already saying this, but 2015 is almost over! It’s been such a busy, exciting year that it feels like it started just yesterday. I hope all my faithful readers are getting ready to launch into a 2016 full of prosperity, happiness, and better education for Colorado kids! For now, let’s pause […]

  • Big Surprise: Jeffco’s “Just Moms” Funded Primarily and Directly by NEA0

    • December 24, 2015

    We’re now nearing two months since the undeniably terri-bad local school board elections of 2015. I’m sure all of you remember The Night the Lights Went Dark, when very nearly every conservative school board member or candidate fell victim to the might of the education establishment and the teachers union. Now, as the dust begins […]

  • It’s Official, 2015 is the New “Year of Educational Choice”0

    • December 14, 2015

    I can’t believe I’m saying this, but 2015 is almost over. And boy, what a year it has been. We finally saw a successful reauthorization of No Child Left Behind, waved goodbye as our policy friend Ben DeGrow carried the reform torch to Michigan (where he’ll be needing all the warm torches he can get), […]