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Search Results For 'TABOR'

  • Federal court dismisses anti-TABOR lawsuit

    Federal court dismisses anti-TABOR lawsuit0

    The court should have dismissed this lawsuit immediately . . . .[But] we at Colorado’s Independence Institute took it very seriously. We anticipated that unscrupulous liberal jurists might seize on it as a way to destroy TABOR.

  • Our Christmas Gift to all Taxpayers

    Our Christmas Gift to all Taxpayers0

    As you may know, I’m dyslexic. Even though I wrote Santa a letter every year growing up, he never visited. I only recently realized I was sending them to Satan. Speaking of Christmas, all of our hard work protecting our Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights continues to pay you dividends. Here is what our work is

  • A Path to Zero Income Tax for Colorado0

    When an interviewer recently asked Colorado’s Democratic governor Jared Polis what the state’s income-tax rate should be, he answered without hesitation: “It should be zero.” For many Coloradans, this came as no surprise: The effort to chisel away at the income tax has already gained steam in the state. Last year, voters reduced the tax

  • FINALLY in court for my son

    FINALLY in court for my son0

    You’ve heard me wax on and on about my son, Chance, the frat brother I never had, who has Down Syndrome. He learns by human interaction. He craves human interaction. He is a party animal after all… So when his school went to “online learning” only during COVID, his education came to a cruel halt.

  • Amendment 78: Accountability and Transparency For Custodial Funds0

    Topline Summary: Under current law, the governor or executive branch officials can unilaterally allocate certain funds which originate from outside of the state—known as custodial funds—often with little or no oversight. Amendment 78 would democratize the process of allocating custodial funds by requiring the general assembly to appropriate such funds after a public hearing. If

  • And the 3rd nominee is…

    And the 3rd nominee is…0

    Independence Institute is proud to announce that the third nominee for the coveted title of Californian of the Year is Colorado State Senator Kevin Priola. The Californian of the Year is the man, woman, non-binary, or gender-fluid person who has done the most to turn our once liberty-loving state of Colorado into the command and control, over-taxed, over-regulated, over-dependent, hypersensitive,


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