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  • Review of Colorado’s Property Taxes and Model Policy

    Review of Colorado’s Property Taxes and Model Policy0

    • September 4, 2024

    Over the last few years, Colorado’s property tax system has been the subject of considerable debate and efforts toward reform.  Rapidly rising residential property values and a structure that gave relief to residential owners, but not commercial property owners, pushed the issue to the fore of the state’s fiscal discussion.

  • Evaluating Gov. Polis’s Tax Reform Agenda: Tax Expenditures vs. Broad-Based Tax Relief

    Evaluating Gov. Polis’s Tax Reform Agenda: Tax Expenditures vs. Broad-Based Tax Relief0

    • January 23, 2024

    Colorado’s governor, Jared Polis, champions increasing state revenue by eliminating provisions of the tax code that benefit special interests—what state budgeters call “tax expenditures.” Rather than use the new money to grow government or redistribute surplus revenue through tax handouts and Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) refunds, however, the governor argues the state should use

  • Sustainable Colorado Budget to Help Eliminate State Income Taxes

    Sustainable Colorado Budget to Help Eliminate State Income Taxes0

    • December 8, 2023

    In 1992, Colorado voters adopted the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) to limit the growth in state and local spending. Over the past three decades, however, politicians from both parties and a complicit judicial branch have exempted more and more state spending from the TABOR limit. When voters adopted TABOR, 67% of state spending was

  • Comparing 2022 Gubernatorial Nominees’ Plans to Eliminate Colorado’s Income Tax

    Comparing 2022 Gubernatorial Nominees’ Plans to Eliminate Colorado’s Income Tax0

    • October 10, 2022

    The 2022 Republican nominee for governor of Colorado, Heidi Ganahl, has proposed eliminating Colorado’s income tax, calling it a “big bold idea to take us to zero income tax.” On September 30th at a gubernatorial candidates’ forum hosted by Colorado Concern, the moderator, Dean Singleton, pressed Ganahl on her plan for accomplishing this. In response,

  • The Tax and Regulate Reality Behind Governor Polis’s Libertarian Image

    The Tax and Regulate Reality Behind Governor Polis’s Libertarian Image0

    • September 26, 2022

    To what extent is Jared Polis a pro-liberty or libertarian governor? Here we can take “libertarian” broadly to mean support for free markets and personal liberties. There is no precise measure of the “libertarianness” of Polis’s various policies and actions that might yield some overall objective score. Some of his policies and actions are pro-liberty,

  • Tax Expenditure Modifications, 2019-2022: Governor Polis’s Record on Special Interest Tax Benefits

    Tax Expenditure Modifications, 2019-2022: Governor Polis’s Record on Special Interest Tax Benefits0

    • September 19, 2022

    Governor Polis has garnered national recognition for his politically libertarian and right-leaning ideas as a Democrat, especially on the issues of limited government and tax policy. Breaking from the Democrat party line, during the 9News gubernatorial candidates debate in October 2018, he told Coloradans he wanted to eliminate special interest tax benefits and use the