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The Tax and Regulate Reality Behind Governor Polis’s Libertarian Image

The Tax and Regulate Reality Behind Governor Polis’s Libertarian Image

To what extent is Jared Polis a pro-liberty or libertarian governor? Here we can take “libertarian” broadly to mean support for free markets and personal liberties.

There is no precise measure of the “libertarianness” of Polis’s various policies and actions that might yield some overall objective score. Some of his policies and actions are pro-liberty, while many are anti-liberty. Some are mixed or debatable by those standards.

What is clear is that, as a Democratic governor working with a Democrat-controlled legislature, Polis has supported a wide array of measures inimical to personal and economic liberty. Although Polis does have a libertarian side, various claims about a libertarian Polis are wildly exaggerated.

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