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Search Results For 'Xcel'

  • Xcel is getting ‘hoggy’

    Xcel is getting ‘hoggy’0

    “Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. When you try to take it too far, people turn the other way. I’m just telling you, when you’ve got a good thing and you get greedy, it always, always, always, always, always turns on you. That’s rule No. 1 of business.” Mark Cuban, March 2014.  Xcel Energy is

  • Caldara’s Newsletter 10-4-17

    Caldara’s Newsletter 10-4-170

    After years of standing firm, my daughter used her super-powers of daddy-manipulation, and, well, I caved. We now have a dog. I’m pretty sure it thinks its name is “No!” But get this, it came with the name “Gary.” Gary? Who names a dog Gary? Now when it gets out of the yard I’ll be running around the neighborhood yelling, “Gary! Gary!” like my gay boyfriend just ran out on me (not, not that there’s anything wrong with that).

  • Money and power in Colorado

    Money and power in Colorado0

    How the state’s largest monopoly utilities have benefited financially in former Governor Bill Ritter’s New Energy Economy. By Brit Naas Executive Summary The last ten years of Colorado energy policy can be defined as the decade of what former Democrat Governor Bill Ritter dubbed the “New Energy Economy,” (NEE) a fundamental transformation of how the state

  • Colorado’s electricity rates continue to rise

    Colorado’s electricity rates continue to rise0

    By Grant Mandigora Executive Summary In 2001, Colorado electricity consumers enjoyed some of the lowest electric rates in the country. The 15 years since haven’t been so kind to ratepayers. For more than a decade, elected officials, PUC commissioners, industry and advocates have told Colorado ratepayers that they could transform the state’s electricity generation away

  • Xcel’s backroom deal likely to screw ratepayers…again

    Xcel’s backroom deal likely to screw ratepayers…again0

    Rumor has it that Colorado’s largest monopoly utility Xcel Energy is about to renege on a 2004 settlement that cost ratepayers dearly. And, Xcel will do it with the Governor John Hickenlooper’s blessing.  Why? Because they don’t want to change their Electric Resource Plan (ERP) as I (and likely others) have suggested they should do

  • Hick proves Mark Twain’s quote to be true

    Hick proves Mark Twain’s quote to be true0

    Parts of Governor John Hickenlooper’s announcement of his climate change executive order reminded me of Mark Twain’s famous quote: “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Below are some of my favorite Hick quotes followed by my commentary. “We will tap


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