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  • Xcel’s Colorado Energy Plan no cheap ‘first class’ seat to NYC

    Xcel’s Colorado Energy Plan no cheap ‘first class’ seat to NYC0

    The CEO of San Francisco based Energy Innovation Hal Harvey absurdly compared Xcel Energy’s massive fuel switching scheme called the Colorado Energy Plan (CEP) to a cheap first class airline seat to New York City. Many of us in Colorado know that’s not true; the experience has been more like flying on an abusive airline – you know the one where

  • MAMA: Make America Mine Again

    MAMA: Make America Mine Again0

    Our national security and economic prosperity (including Colorado’s) depend on it After falling behind foreign regimes, the U.S. may begin to develop and mine its own deposits of a whole host of minerals vital to our national security and economic prosperity. In a December 20 executive order, President Trump directed federal agencies to develop a

  • Continental Army versus British Empire: coalition opposes Xcel’s latest money grab

    Continental Army versus British Empire: coalition opposes Xcel’s latest money grab0

    The regulatory space at the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is the playground of corporate lawyers, unelected bureaucrats, and well-funded special interest groups. They have “stakeholder” meetings that include only themselves. Then they issue press statements slapping each other on the back for their hard work securing a “settlement” that forces Colorado working families and

  • Money and power in Colorado

    Money and power in Colorado0

    How the state’s largest monopoly utilities have benefited financially in former Governor Bill Ritter’s New Energy Economy. By Brit Naas Executive Summary The last ten years of Colorado energy policy can be defined as the decade of what former Democrat Governor Bill Ritter dubbed the “New Energy Economy,” (NEE) a fundamental transformation of how the state

  • Colorado’s electricity rates continue to rise

    Colorado’s electricity rates continue to rise0

    By Grant Mandigora Executive Summary In 2001, Colorado electricity consumers enjoyed some of the lowest electric rates in the country. The 15 years since haven’t been so kind to ratepayers. For more than a decade, elected officials, PUC commissioners, industry and advocates have told Colorado ratepayers that they could transform the state’s electricity generation away

  • Hickenlooper’s climate order based on magical thinking

    Hickenlooper’s climate order based on magical thinking0

    Governor Hickenlooper has ordered a two percent decline in electricity sales and wishes to give state government control of energy pricing and production.


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