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  • The Colorado Energy Plan: A proposal that benefits all but the consumer

    The Colorado Energy Plan: A proposal that benefits all but the consumer0

    • August 30, 2018

    Xcel Energy’s recently approved Colorado Energy Plan (CEP) is what the company refers to as its “Steel for Fuel” strategy. With a green light from Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC), the CEP is a giant capital investment program to shutter Comanche I and II generating units a decade ahead of schedule. The CEP will replace

  • Coloradans are taking on the state’s largest monopoly utility

    Coloradans are taking on the state’s largest monopoly utility0

    • July 17, 2018

    Originally published on thehill.com Just because President Obama’s controversial and costly Clean Power Plan is dead at the federal level doesn’t mean Colorado ratepayers are out of financial danger. Nearly 1.4 million state electricity customers await a Colorado Public Utilities Commission (COPUC) decision on Xcel Energy’s legally tenuous Colorado Energy Plan (CEP). With COPUC approval, Xcel, the state’s largest

  • Xcel’s Colorado Energy Plan no cheap ‘first class’ seat to NYC

    Xcel’s Colorado Energy Plan no cheap ‘first class’ seat to NYC0

    • July 17, 2018

    The CEO of San Francisco based Energy Innovation Hal Harvey absurdly compared Xcel Energy’s massive fuel switching scheme called the Colorado Energy Plan (CEP) to a cheap first class airline seat to New York City. Many of us in Colorado know that’s not true; the experience has been more like flying on an abusive airline – you know the one where

  • Xcel Selling Snake Oil with its Colorado Energy Plan

    Xcel Selling Snake Oil with its Colorado Energy Plan0

    • July 17, 2018

    Xcel Energy is promoting its Colorado Energy Plan (CEP) like a snake oil salesman selling his magical elixir. As advertised, it’s supposed to solve Colorado’s environmental problems while saving ratepayers money. But don’t think for a second the CEP won’t procure the regulated monopoly a hefty profit, so if the benefits it’s touting sound too good to be true, they probably are.

  • Coloradans are taking on the state’s largest monopoly utility

    Coloradans are taking on the state’s largest monopoly utility0

    • March 7, 2018

    With COPUC approval, Xcel, the state’s largest monopoly utility, plans to shift its generating portfolio from away from majority hydrocarbons (coal and natural gas) in favor of industrial wind, solar, and battery storage.

  • Hickenlooper’s climate order based on magical thinking

    Hickenlooper’s climate order based on magical thinking0

    • August 2, 2017

    Governor Hickenlooper has ordered a two percent decline in electricity sales and wishes to give state government control of energy pricing and production.