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  • Elon Musk Calls for Boost in Oil & Gas, Nuclear

    Elon Musk Calls for Boost in Oil & Gas, Nuclear0

    The founder and CEO of one of the world’s largest electric vehicle and battery companies wants us to “drill baby drill.” According to CNBC: The world must continue to extract oil and gas in order to sustain civilization, while also developing sustainable sources of energy, Tesla founder Elon Musk told reporters at a conference in Norway on

  • Gas is Dead. Long Live Gas!

    Gas is Dead. Long Live Gas!0

    Natural gas is one of the go-to bogeymen for many climate hawks. This is despite the remarkable economic and climate contributions of natural gas over the last decade or so. As such, activists and policymakers have made a concerted effort over the last few years to begin constraining the industry and phasing out the fuel’s

  • Polis Announces Push Back Against Looming EPA Mandates

    Polis Announces Push Back Against Looming EPA Mandates0

    In a rare break from his usual routine, Governor Jared Polis (D.) appears to be fighting back against unwelcome and costly environmental regulations for once. Per the Denver Gazette: In a reversal of his approach to federal ozone determinations three years ago, Gov. Jared Polis is poised to ask the Environmental Protection Agency to not rush

  • California, Germany Finally Receive Nuclear Energy Wake-up Call

    California, Germany Finally Receive Nuclear Energy Wake-up Call0

    Though it may not seem like it at first glance, the state of California and the country of Germany share some uncanny characteristics, particularly when it comes to energy policy. Both fancy themselves pioneers in the green energy transition, and both punch above their weight with their respective abilities to influence surrounding governments to adopt

  • Energy and Land Use: A Sober Look at the Space Needed to Power the Future

    Energy and Land Use: A Sober Look at the Space Needed to Power the Future0

    Much of the conversation surrounding energy policy in Colorado these days has to do primarily with the emissions currently being produced and ways to continue reducing said emissions. The arguments over the role of various energy sources in getting to a decarbonized future are familiar at this point. But there has been comparatively little discussion

  • Guess Who Stopped a Tax Grab (It Wasn’t Me)

    Guess Who Stopped a Tax Grab (It Wasn’t Me)0

    I don’t like country music, but I won’t denigrate those who do. And for you people who like country music, denigrate means “put down.” There’s an old country song titled, “If Your Phone Don’t Ring, You Know It’s Me.” And here’s why I’m thinking about it: How much did this one lady save Colorado taxpayers?


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