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Search Results For 'PUC'

  • Power quality, promises, and profits

    Power quality, promises, and profits0

    Power quality. That’s the phrase I heard several times after chatting with some small business owners whose livelihood – as well as those of their employees – depends upon good power quality: Good power quality can be defined as a steady supply voltage that stays within the prescribed range, steady a.c. frequency close to the

  • Retired KS lawmaker and geophysicist warns PUC against Xcel’s “inherently damaging” energy plan

    Retired KS lawmaker and geophysicist warns PUC against Xcel’s “inherently damaging” energy plan0

    “Inherently damaging” is how former Kansas State Representative and Chairman of House Energy and Environment Committee Dennis Hedke (Republican) describes Xcel Energy’s “Colorado Energy Plan” in a letter to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and copied to the Colorado State Senate majority leadership and the Independence Institute. Hedke sent the letter certified mail and

  • Public support for Xcel’s controversial plan? The rest of the story…

    Public support for Xcel’s controversial plan? The rest of the story…0

    By Amy Oliver Cooke with contributor Tyson Thornburg A cursory review of the emails and letters sent to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) seems to indicate significant support for Xcel Energy’s costly and controversial Colorado Energy Plan. Our guess is that’s exactly what Xcel wants the media, the public, and the PUC to believe.

  • Continental Army versus British Empire: coalition opposes Xcel’s latest money grab

    Continental Army versus British Empire: coalition opposes Xcel’s latest money grab0

    The regulatory space at the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is the playground of corporate lawyers, unelected bureaucrats, and well-funded special interest groups. They have “stakeholder” meetings that include only themselves. Then they issue press statements slapping each other on the back for their hard work securing a “settlement” that forces Colorado working families and

  • Xcel is getting ‘hoggy’

    Xcel is getting ‘hoggy’0

    “Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. When you try to take it too far, people turn the other way. I’m just telling you, when you’ve got a good thing and you get greedy, it always, always, always, always, always turns on you. That’s rule No. 1 of business.” Mark Cuban, March 2014.  Xcel Energy is

  • Money and power in Colorado

    Money and power in Colorado0

    How the state’s largest monopoly utilities have benefited financially in former Governor Bill Ritter’s New Energy Economy. By Brit Naas Executive Summary The last ten years of Colorado energy policy can be defined as the decade of what former Democrat Governor Bill Ritter dubbed the “New Energy Economy,” (NEE) a fundamental transformation of how the state


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