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Search Results For 'Rare earth elements'

  • Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Nuclear Takes Too Long to Build

    Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Nuclear Takes Too Long to Build0

    I’ve extolled the virtues of nuclear energy for its reliability, clean emissions, efficient land use, “just transition” potential, and energy security upside on several occasions. I’ve even documented why many of the fears surrounding nuclear and aversion to its deployment are often irrational and misguided. But one of the legitimate, good-faith critiques of nuclear is

  • MAMA: Make America Mine Again

    MAMA: Make America Mine Again0

    Our national security and economic prosperity (including Colorado’s) depend on it After falling behind foreign regimes, the U.S. may begin to develop and mine its own deposits of a whole host of minerals vital to our national security and economic prosperity. In a December 20 executive order, President Trump directed federal agencies to develop a

  • Must reads to celebrate Earth Day0

    Predictions from the first Earth Day in 1969, “Environmentalists’ Wild Predictions,” by Walter Williams: At the first Earth Day celebration, in 1969, environmentalist Nigel Calder warned, “The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind.” C.C. Wallen of the World

  • Cadmium in CO: useful and highly toxic0

    Cadmium 101 By Syndi Nettles Anderson, guest writer for the Independence Institute Energy Policy Center Earlier this week Todd Shepherd of Complete Colorado reported that before thin-filmed cadmium-telluride solar panel manufacturer Abound Solar declared bankruptcy it was the subject of a Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) investigation after an anonymous tip raised

  • No such thing as a free lunch or free energy0

    The Independence Institute’s Todd Shepherd, along with this blog, have spent two years covering, and ultimately exposing, what is now the Abound Solar scandal. Understandably, much of the focus is now on Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck’s criminal investigation as well as a Congressional Oversight Committee inquiry into the bankrupt solar panel manufacturer. Recently

  • Obama and China: best friends 4 ever0

    This column appeared originally on Townhall Finance. Obama is China’s best friend By Amy Oliver Cooke and Michael Sandoval When it comes China, President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Speech last month was nothing more than a rhetorical exercise from the political pied piper, who, along with his supporters, believes his own words magically


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