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Search Results For 'Carbon tax'

  • Swift condemnation for Boulder climate lawsuit and DC think tank

    Swift condemnation for Boulder climate lawsuit and DC think tank0

    “That was fast,” writes Energy in Depth’s Rebecca Simon regarding how quickly leading Coloradans and others denounced the city of Boulder and its “especially unfortunate” climate change lawsuit against the oil and gas industry. Her excellent summary includes commentary from the Denver Post, former Attorney General and Secretary of Interior Gale Norton, former head of

  • Third Nomination for Californian of the Year: Green Roofs Guy

    Third Nomination for Californian of the Year: Green Roofs Guy0

    Today we are proud to announce our third of five nominations for our 2017 “Californian of the Year” award. This award will go to the person who most exemplifies the drive and determination to change the character of Colorado into that of California. Colorado character means craving the freedom to make one’s own decisions. By

  • Hick proves Mark Twain’s quote to be true

    Hick proves Mark Twain’s quote to be true0

    Parts of Governor John Hickenlooper’s announcement of his climate change executive order reminded me of Mark Twain’s famous quote: “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Below are some of my favorite Hick quotes followed by my commentary. “We will tap


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