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  • No, it’s not you, Peter Pan. It’s the law that prevents you from growing up.

    No, it’s not you, Peter Pan. It’s the law that prevents you from growing up.0

    Many progressives want to lower the voting age to 16, yet they want to raise the age to buy a long gun to 21, all while Obamacare lets them stay on mommy’s health care plan until they’re 26. So just when does someone become an adult anymore? Is it any wonder young people today seem

  • Must See TV: Laura on Laura

    Must See TV: Laura on Laura0

    Let’s be honest. Pretend gun-free zones aren’t safe. But if we have the will, there is a way to save the lives of teachers and students. One woman is on a mission to do just that – Laura Carno, Executive Director of our partner organizations Coloradans for Civil Liberties and FASTERColorado.com. Laura is a relentless advocate for FASTER

  • Licensed Handgun Carry for Young Adults Serving in the Armed Forces

    Licensed Handgun Carry for Young Adults Serving in the Armed Forces0

    This Issue Paper examines a proposal to allow young adults, aged 18-20, to apply for concealed handgun carry permits, if they currently or previously served in the United States Armed Forces. For decades, other states have allowed licensed carry by young adults. Assertions that licensed carry will increase suicides are implausible, and not supported by data.

  • Laura Carno Reviews Run Hide Fight

    Laura Carno Reviews Run Hide Fight0

    In her review of the Daily Wire’s Run Hide Fight for Independent Women’s Forum, FASTER Colorado’s Executive Director Laura Carno looks at the film through the lens of someone who has met with school shooting survivors and responding law enforcement, and has spent five years meeting with and training armed school staff. Read the review

  • In the wake of a gun ban, Venezuela sees rising homicide rate

    In the wake of a gun ban, Venezuela sees rising homicide rate0

    Since April 2017, at least 163 pro-democracy protesters in Venezuela have been murdered by the Maduro dictatorship. Venezuela serves as an example of how gun prohibition can sometimes encourage gun crime. In 2012, the communist-dominated Venezuelan National Assembly enacted the “Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law.” The bill’s stated objective was to “disarm all citizens.”

  • I became a criminal on January 1st.

    I became a criminal on January 1st.0

    So, on January 1st I became a criminal in my hometown of Boulder, Colorado. What did I do? Absolutely nothing. The town that advertises its tolerance and acceptance of alternative lifestyles with billboards and fanfare passed what they think is an assault weapons ban. Not only can I no longer purchase many of the most common



Dave Kopel, Director
Email: David@i2i.org
Phone: 303-279-6536

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