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  • Protecting Law-abiding Firearms Businesses from Abusive Lawsuits

    Protecting Law-abiding Firearms Businesses from Abusive Lawsuits0

    • March 7, 2023

    In the late 1990s, a gun prohibition organization adopted a strategy previously used by Jim Crow government officials against the free press: filing abusive lawsuits designed to cripple the businesses through the sheer cost of litigation against meritless claims. In response, most states, Colorado included, enacted legislation against such misuse of the judicial process. Eventually,

  • The deeper significance of Justice Thomas’s 2nd amendment opinion

    The deeper significance of Justice Thomas’s 2nd amendment opinion0

    • July 6, 2022

    Justice Thomas’s opinion affirms that the scope of the right to keep and bear arms is fixed by the words of the amendment. The law is reflected in those words, not in some judge’s idea of what is important.

  • Laura Carno Reviews Run Hide Fight

    Laura Carno Reviews Run Hide Fight0

    • January 29, 2021

    In her review of the Daily Wire’s Run Hide Fight for Independent Women’s Forum, FASTER Colorado’s Executive Director Laura Carno looks at the film through the lens of someone who has met with school shooting survivors and responding law enforcement, and has spent five years meeting with and training armed school staff. Read the review

  • Defund the Police

    Defund the Police0

    • January 11, 2021

    “Defund the police” is not the slogan of people who sincerely believe that black lives matter. Rather, “defund the police” is the program of communists who want to establish a totalitarian police state. In the last year, they have made much progress towards their goal. As lawful, constitutional policing in the United States is defunded