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No, it’s not you, Peter Pan. It’s the law that prevents you from growing up.

No, it’s not you, Peter Pan. It’s the law that prevents you from growing up.

Many progressives want to lower the voting age to 16, yet they want to raise the age to buy a long gun to 21, all while Obamacare lets them stay on mommy’s health care plan until they’re 26.

So just when does someone become an adult anymore?

Is it any wonder young people today seem to have problems launching into adulthood? We keep moving the starting line. We’ve created a system of pseudo-adulthood by phases. We’ll tell someone they are an adult but withhold the responsibilities of adulthood until they are 26 years old.

I guess we should call that child abuse.

Read the whole article published by the Denver Post on March 16, 2018.