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  • No, it’s not you, Peter Pan. It’s the law that prevents you from growing up.

    No, it’s not you, Peter Pan. It’s the law that prevents you from growing up.0

    • March 16, 2018

    Many progressives want to lower the voting age to 16, yet they want to raise the age to buy a long gun to 21, all while Obamacare lets them stay on mommy’s health care plan until they’re 26. So just when does someone become an adult anymore? Is it any wonder young people today seem

  • My compromise offer to the politically correct

    My compromise offer to the politically correct0

    • February 16, 2018

    In our hyper-sensitive culture, where it’s not what you say but the words you use to say it, enough Americans needed to elect a president proved they’re sick and tired of feeling censored. Middle America voters can only be told their white-privileged micro-aggressions are triggering some victim’s oppression so often before Trump’s crudeness becomes a welcome and needed relief.

  • The Republican grand betrayal that just keeps getting worse

    The Republican grand betrayal that just keeps getting worse0

    • February 2, 2018

    President Donald Trump and the Republican congress just gave us a large tax cut. But Colorado’s Republican-controlled state Senate had already taken it away. To comprehend how that’s possible, we need to understand the largest betrayal of Republican values in Colorado political history: the tax-hiking, debt-raising, TABOR-busting Senate Bill 267, sponsored by Republican state Sen.

  • One transsexual Doctor too many

    One transsexual Doctor too many0

    • August 21, 2017

    Each time you flip a coin there is a 50-50 chance it will land heads-up. But the chances of it landing heads two times in a row are 1-in-4. Three times in a row is 1-in-8, and so on. The chances of it landing heads-up 13 times in a row are a whopping 1-in-8,192. And