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  • 2019 School Board Candidate Briefing Materials

    2019 School Board Candidate Briefing Materials0

    • October 8, 2019

    One of the Education Policy Center’s primary goals is to educate local education leaders about important education policy issues, thereby equipping them to make smart, well-informed decisions in their school districts. As part of that effort, the Education Policy Center staff provide biennial education policy briefings to all interested school board candidates, regardless of political

  • State needs to remove barriers to hiring teachers in rural Colorado

    State needs to remove barriers to hiring teachers in rural Colorado0

    • April 12, 2017

    Colorado’s many rural school districts are made to follow the same licensure rules as their urban counterparts, even though the challenges facing these districts vary greatly. Licensure restrictions make it harder for rural districts to meet the needs of their students by forcing school and district leaders to stretch staff members too thin or leave positions unfilled.

  • Seniority policies put excellent teachers’ jobs at risk

    Seniority policies put excellent teachers’ jobs at risk0

    • December 17, 2016

    Effective teachers are the lifeblood of education. More than any other school-related factor, teachers have deep and lasting impacts on students’ futures. But despite the power of effective teaching, nearly half of Colorado’s unionized school districts are operating under negotiated policies or agreements that place students’ educations and excellent teachers’ jobs at risk by unlawfully prioritizing simple seniority, or length of service, over performance in layoff situations.

  • Eternal LIFO: Unlawful Layoff Procedures in Unionized Colorado School Districts

    Eternal LIFO: Unlawful Layoff Procedures in Unionized Colorado School Districts0

    • November 30, 2016

    Passed in 2010, Senate Bill 191 was a landmark piece of education reform legislation that garnered significant bipartisan support, including unanimous support from Republican legislators. The bill amended Colorado’s Licensed Personnel Performance Evaluation Act and the Teacher Employment, Compensation, and Dismissal Act (TECDA) to align state statute more closely with the goal of ensuring that every student is taught by an effective teacher.

  • Masters v. School District Number 1

    Masters v. School District Number 10

    • June 9, 2016

    The Independence Institute has long been a champion of tenure reform, local control, and flexibility in the realm of school and district personnel decisions. In 2010, the Institute was part of a broad, bipartisan coalition supporting Senate Bill 191, Colorado’s teacher evaluation and tenure reform bill. It continues to defend SB 191’s critical reforms from both

  • Abominable Snowbills Look to Gut Accountability in Colorado0

    • February 2, 2016

    In case you haven’t noticed, it’s snowing outside. Like, a lot. The good news is that the snowstorm means I get to hang out at home, drink hot chocolate, and make snow angels. The bad news is that there is an approximately 63 percent higher chance of attack by abominable snowmen like this one: View […]