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Author's Posts

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20010

      2001 Catalog of Shows December 28th Director of the Education Policy Center, Pam Benigno, on teacher union finances.   December 21st CU President Betsy Hoffman.   December 7th CU Professor Ved Namda on the turmoil in the mideast.   November 30th Dave Kopel interviews Stephen Keating of the Privacy Foundation on how the War

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20020

      2002 Catalog of Shows December 27th A look at 2002’s political highs and lows with Lynn Bartels of the Rocky Mountain News and Tom McAvoy of the Pueblo Chieftain.   December 20th Author of What’s so Great About America, Dinesh D’Souza, on free markets, terrorism and Islam.   December 13th Noted author, nationally syndicated

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20030

      2003 catalog of shows December 26th Marti Albright of Take Pride in America on volunteerism.   December 19th State Representative Shawn Mitchell talks about judicial reform.   December 12th Ward Connerly, author of Creating Equal: My Fight Against Race Preferences, discusses racism and affirmative action.   December 5th Jon Caldara interviews Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper.

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20040

      2004 Catalog of Shows   December 17, 2004 Representatives of the Colorado Civil Justice League and the Colorado Bar Association look at how our Colorado Supreme Court Justices rank.   December 10, 2004 Election law expert Rob Witwer and Common Cause Executive Director Pete Maysmith discuss the new campaign finance laws and how they


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