2003 catalog of shows
December 26th
Marti Albright of Take Pride in America on volunteerism.
December 19th
State Representative Shawn Mitchell talks about judicial reform.
December 12th
Ward Connerly, author of Creating Equal: My Fight Against Race Preferences, discusses racism and affirmative action.
December 5th
Jon Caldara interviews Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper.
November 28th
After fifteen years of the "Make my day" law in Colorado, how is it working? Adams County DA Bob Grant and Former State Senator Jim Brandon debate.
November 21st
U.S. Attorney John Suthers and James Bovard, author of Terrorism and Tyranny debate over whether the Patriot Act goes too far.
November 14th
Jon Caldara goes mano a mano with liberal Ken Gordon on taxes, education and redistricting.
November 8th
Lynn Bartels of the Rocky Mountain News and Mike McPhee of the Denver Post provide a post-election wrap-up.
October 31st
What is the American Dream? Why does the "Smart Growth" crowd want to make home less affordable and driving more difficult? Meet Randal O’Toole, director of the Center for the American Dream.
October 24th
A debate over drinking and driving and blood alcohol levels.
October 17th
Stephen Moore from the Club for Growth on keeping Republicans voting like Republicans.
October 10th
Debate over Referendum A, which increases debt for water projects. Tax activist Douglas Bruce versus state senator Jim Dyer.
October 3rd
Debate over Amendment 32 which freezes the residential assesment rate in the "Gallagher" Amendment. State Senator Norma Anderson takes on Denver City Auditor Dennis Gallagher.
September 26th
Debate over Amendment 33 which allows race tracks to have "Video Lottery Terminals" with Support Colorado’s Economy and Environoment versus John Dill from Don’t Turn Race Tracks into Casinos.
September 19th
Pam Benigno, director of the Education Policy Center, gives us a review of vouchers in Colorado.
September 12th
Linda Gorman, head of the Health Care Policy Center, talks insurance reform.
September 5th
Should we encourage people not to give money to panhandlers and the homeless?
August 29th
How will Amendment 27, Campaign Finance Reform, effect this fall’s elections.
August 22nd
Meet State Senator Jennifer Veiga.
August 15th
Greg Walcher, who heads the Dept. of Natural Resources, explains how we can help endangered speices.
August 8th
Are you ready for the next round of "Smart Growth" laws? A one-on-one interview with Matt Baker of Evironment Colorado.
August 1st
What Is civil disobedience, with Leroy Moore of the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice center.
May 30th
Second Hand Smoke and Smoking Bans.
May 23rd
The legacy of outgoing Mayor Webb.
May 16th
How to make HOT lanes work.
May 9th
The debate between the two Denver mayor run off candidates
May 2nd
The latest on the Denver mayoral race with Lynn Bartels from the Rocky and Cindy Brovsky of the Post.
April 25th
Jessica Peck was kicked out of a CU "diversity" training forum, for being white.
April 18th
Chip Mellor and Clint Bolick of the Institute for Justice on the litigation that will surely follow Colorado’s new educational voucher program.
April 11th
Peggy Lowe of the Rocky Mountain News and Kyle Henley of the Colorado Springs Gazette take a look at the legislative session.
April 4th
Former US Congressman Bob Schaffer on his days in DC and his new battle for educational choice in Colorado.
March 28th
Do rallies and protests over the Iraqi war really make a difference? Dan Winters of the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center takes on Neil Dobro of Americans Against Terrorism.
March 21st
Peter Chronis of the Denver Post vs. Ted Pascoe of Physicians for Social Responsibility on concealed carry laws for firearms.
March 14th
A personal show for Jon Caldara on conquering kids cancer.
March 7th
Dr. Merrill Matthews of the Council for Affordable Health Insurance on prescription drugs.
February 28th
Colorado Senate President John Andrews.
February 21st
A one-on-one conversation with Governor Bill Owens.
February 14th
A debate over tort reform for building contractors.
February 7th
State Treasurer Mike Coffman vs. Cara Kennedy over the effects of Amendment 23.
January 31st
Cliff May of the Foundation to Defend Democracies argues that we must go into Iraq.
January 24th
Krista Kafer of the Heritage Foundation joins Nita Gonzales to talk about the rise of private, inner city schools.
January 10th
Nationally syndicated columnist and author Michelle Malkin takes on immigration lawyer Ann Allot over the hot issue of illegal immigration.
January 3rd
Who are the newspaper columnists of Denver with David Kopel and Bob Ewegen of the Post. |