2001 Catalog of Shows
December 28th
Director of the Education Policy Center, Pam Benigno, on teacher union finances.
December 21st
CU President Betsy Hoffman.
December 7th
CU Professor Ved Namda on the turmoil in the mideast.
November 30th
Dave Kopel interviews Stephen Keating of the Privacy Foundation on how the War On Terror will affect American citizens’ privacy.
November 23rd
State Treasurer Mike Coffman is interviewed by I.I. Research Director Dave Kopel.
November 16th
State Sen. Ed Perlmutter joins former legislator Penn Pfiffner in evaluating the upcoming legislative session and the 2002 gubernatorial race.
November 9th
Stephen Moore, of the Cato Institute, explains the ideas behind his book, It’s Getting Better All The Time.
November 2nd
Jared Polis explains why we need to privatize the US Postal Service.
October 26th
Author and Humorist P.J. O’Rourke. What else do we have to say?
October 19th
Lynn Harsh of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation and Robert Enlow of the Friedman Foundation explain how teachers can empower themselves.
October 12th
A debate over Amendment 26, the I-70 monorail study. Independence President Jon Caldara takes on mountain corridor board member Hugh Fowler.
October 5th
A debate over State Issue A, bonding for open space, tax cutter Douglas Bruce and Will Shafroth from Colorado Open Space duke it out.
September 28th
U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo will join businessman and ACE Scholarship founder Alex Cranberg to debate the hot issue of immigration.
September 21th
State Budget Direct Nancy McCallin on the Guv’s transportation plan.
September 14th
Former Governor Lamm on the September 11 terrorist attacks in NY and DC.
September 7th
A new vision for health care with our own Linda Gorman and Naomi Lopez Baumen of the Pacific Research Institute.
August 31th
Why should taxpayers subsidize a private hotel? Denver Council Woman Susan Barns Gelt tells us.
August 24th
Denver Post Editor Glen Guzzo vs. the Rocky Mountain News columnist Linda Seabach over the true name of "Invesco Feild at Mile High"
August 17th
Senior Fellow Penn Pfifner vs. Cindy Stevenson of Jeffco Schools over textbook fees.
August 10th
Independence Researcher Mike Krause and Doug Townsend, President of Ocean’s Journey, debate the fish tank’s future.
August 3rd
John Brockmeyer, Director of the Colo. Inter Mountain Fixed Guideway Authority, and its Executive Director Miller Hudson battle over the proposed monorail to Vail.
July 13th
Live in the minority with Minority Leader Senator John Andrews.
July 6th
Taxes, Tobacco and TABOR with State Treasurer Mike Coffman.
June 29th
T-REX or T-WRECKS? What to expect on I-25 during construction with Jeff Leib of the Denver Post and Senior Fellow Steve Mueller.
June 22nd
Public Education and Poverty with Pam Benigno, Director of our Education Policy Center, and Gary Trujillo of Bessemer Elementary School in Pueblo.
June 15th
The one-and-only U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo.
June 8th
Dave Kopel explains why Microsoft is not a monopoly.
June 1st
Steve Schuck, of Parent’s Challenge, vs. State Senator Penfield Tate over private educational scholarships for working families trapped in poor performing public schools.
May 25th
Elise Jones of the Colorado Environmental Coalition and Jeanni Frickey-Saito of the Colorado Farm Bureau battle over the legislatures failed session on growth control.
May 18th
Youth Pastor Jason Janz of Citizens for Peace and Respect argues that rocker Marilyn Manson should not have a concert in Colorado.
May 11th
A look at the first 100 days of the Bush Presidency with Sean Tonner of Gov. Owens staff and Democratic committeman Chris Gates.
May 4th
John Suthers, Head of the Colorado Dept. of Corrections.
April 27th
Pierre Jimenez with the ACE foundation on educational choice and scholarships.
April 20th
Colorado Senate Majority Media Director, and fun-loving liberal, Dani Newsum.
April 13th
Bob Poole of the Reason Public Policy Institute on transportation.
April 6th
Meet Rick O’Donnell, the head of the guv’s policy office.
March 30th
Senators John Andrews and Ed Perlmutter face off over transportation and growth.
March 23th
Senior Fellow Linda Gorman and Nancy Tucker of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill on the politics of helping the mentally ill.
March 16th
Lynn Bartels of the Rocky Mountain News and Fred Brown of the Denver Post.
March 9th
James Griffin and John Myers examine the charter school movement.
March 2nd
Diana Protopapa of the Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence battles Jim Chapman of the Rocky Mountain Family Council over a proposal to mandate marriage counseling and a year waiting period before divorce.
February 23rd
The outspoken, the one and only Dick Lamm, former Governor of Colorado.
February 16th
Rita Swan of Children’s Healthcare Is a Legal Duty (C.H.I.L.D.) explains the danger of faith-healing
February 9th
Famed furniture man Jake Jabs, of American Warehouse, and Tim Jackson of the N.F.I.B., announce the formation of the Colorado Civil Justice League, to fight for tort reform.
February 2nd
Denver Post Columnist Chuck Green and Matt Sugar of the Metro. Football Stadium District debate the name Invesco Field at Mile High.
January 26th
Nature photographer John Feilder explains the latest "Smart Growth" proposals.
January 19th
A debate over Gale Norton’s nomination to head the Dept. of Interior with Hugo Teufel, who worked with Ms. Norton at the A.G.’s office, and Steve Smith of the Sierra Club.
January 12th
State Senator Ron Tupa unveils his plan to break up Colorado’s electoral votes.
January 5th, 2001
Meet Stan Matsunaka, the first Democrat President of the Colorado Senate in 40 years. |