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Author's Posts

  • You did WHAT with my money?!

    You did WHAT with my money?!0

    Unlike Government’s wasteful spending, we take pride in investing your hard-earned dollars into forming the future of Colorado into the free state we used to brag about. But, we can’t do that without you! Here at II, you can trust that we convert dollars into research, policy proposals, and finally, permanent change. Thank you for

  • We Just Suffered a Setback

    We Just Suffered a Setback0

    Yep, disappointment. I bought a DVD on how to deal with disappointment. When I opened the box, it was empty. We are tenacious here at Independence. We are never content to just research or comment on what needs to be done to advance the Colorado Character. We take action. After seeing some of the questionable,

  • Polis and Xcel Energy’s Love Child

    Polis and Xcel Energy’s Love Child0

    When you were a kid, you were afraid of the dark. And now as an adult, your electric bill scares you into turning off all the lights—the cycle of terror continues. I just looked at the recent inflation numbers put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nationwide, electricity prices are up 11%. But in

  • Get Better, Tom and Pete!

    Get Better, Tom and Pete!0

    I am the luckiest man in Colorado. I make a living working on my passion, battling bullies who use the coercive power of government to force their values on those who don’t share them and try to take from others. Or to put it more simply, I get paid to piss off socialists. I. Love.


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