Unlike Government’s wasteful spending, we take pride in investing your hard-earned dollars into forming the future of Colorado into the free state we used to brag about.
But, we can’t do that without you!
Here at II, you can trust that we convert dollars into research, policy proposals, and finally, permanent change. Thank you for making our work possible. We’re here to answer your one burning question!
“What have you done for me lately?” Well, here are just a few!
I bet now you’re thinking, cool Caldara, sweet infographic, but what the heck are you doing NOW? Sitting around waiting for the ATF Party, (check out the link it’s going to be a great year)!?
Yeah right! If we did… progressives would have a heyday!
We’re out here fighting for curriculum transparency, a permanent income tax decrease, accountability in the highly crooked Legislature, training local candidates, and transforming public and policy decisions with the expansion of our Policy Centers. Eat that, progressives!
Please let us know we can count on you to help us accomplish our goals with a gift of $50, $100, or $250.
Give to Independence Institute TODAY and help us win these fights.
Thank you for your commitment to the future of Colorado.
Think Freedom!