73% of likely voters want roads fix without a tax increase
- February 7, 2018
Join us at Independence Institute later this month as radio talk show legend, political commentator, and Complete Colorado columnist Mike Rosen takes you through the ins and outs of the federal budget process. Rosen will show the past, present, and future of federal spending and taxes. He’ll debunk the claims that “the rich don’t pay
READ MOREOver the years, I’ve written to you about my son, Chance. Chance has Down Syndrome and has gone through some 14 medical operations, including open-heart surgery at just a few weeks old. I’ve also told you about our many fights with the Boulder Valley School District administration as they robbed him of over a year
READ MOREI don’t like country music, but I won’t denigrate those who do. And for you people who like country music, denigrate means “put down.” There’s an old country song titled, “If Your Phone Don’t Ring, You Know It’s Me.” And here’s why I’m thinking about it: How much did this one lady save Colorado taxpayers?
READ MOREUnlike Government’s wasteful spending, we take pride in investing your hard-earned dollars into forming the future of Colorado into the free state we used to brag about. But, we can’t do that without you! Here at II, you can trust that we convert dollars into research, policy proposals, and finally, permanent change. Thank you for
READ MOREYep, disappointment. I bought a DVD on how to deal with disappointment. When I opened the box, it was empty. We are tenacious here at Independence. We are never content to just research or comment on what needs to be done to advance the Colorado Character. We take action. After seeing some of the questionable,
READ MOREWhen you were a kid, you were afraid of the dark. And now as an adult, your electric bill scares you into turning off all the lights—the cycle of terror continues. I just looked at the recent inflation numbers put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nationwide, electricity prices are up 11%. But in