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Mask burning party at our place!

Mask burning party at our place!

It is time we set ablaze the greatest symbol of our oppression! The mask!

We’ve been thinking that if they can burn flags, smash windows, tear down statues and vandalize, then the least we can do is torch the masks they used to gag us for a year.

So we’re holding a Mask Burning Party (#MBP) in our parking lot this Thursday at 6:00pm. You supply the masks to fuel the fire, and we’ll supply the music and beer.

Is this legal? Don’t know. Don’t care. The other day a homeless guy lit a campfire on our property and the police wouldn’t intervene. So, precedent set. Party on!

Join us as we celebrate the end of the absurd mandates and reclaim our freedom!
See you on Thursday!

Think Freedom,


P.S. Do we have a permit for such a celebration, you might ask?

No. But then again, neither did organizers of last summer’s BLM riots, and you know what that earned them—a freakin’ Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

I can picture it already…