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Author's Posts

  • Caldara’s Newsletter 04-12-17

    Caldara’s Newsletter 04-12-170

    We are getting a lot of great questions about our Earth Day Fossil Fuels Art Contest. For instance, a very curious Andy Sloan kindly wrote to ask us the following questions, which I’ll share verbatim and try to answer here: 1. How do you live with yourselves, when you support climate denying organizations that will

  • Caldara’s Newsletter 04-05-17

    Caldara’s Newsletter 04-05-170

    Earth Day is coming! Enviros celebrate by planting trees but they never celebrate the trucks that deliver the trees, or the gas that powers that truck, or the plastic handles of the shovels they use. Shouldn’t Mother Earth be thanked for making Earth Day events possible? Join us in celebrating Earth Day by submitting your

  • Why Republicans fail

    Why Republicans fail0

    by Jon Caldara Congress’ debacle on health care is only the latest example of how Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Victory here defined as merely counting your votes before you fumble the issue that got you into office. Two decades ago, and speaking more coarsely than would be fitting for a family

  • VIDEO: Go Inside the EPA with Myron Ebell

    VIDEO: Go Inside the EPA with Myron Ebell0

    Get inside President Trump’s EPA with transition team leader Myron Ebell and transition team member Amy Cooke. What will the EPA look like under President Donald Trump? What do these changes mean for Colorado? Watch the video below to find out!  


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