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    Jake Fogleman

    Jake is a Policy Analyst for the Independence Institute's Center for Energy and Environment.

Author's Posts

  • Fast Facts About Electricity in Colorado in 2023

    Fast Facts About Electricity in Colorado in 20230

    Newly released federal government data offers insights into Colorado’s electricity sector last year. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently published its latest Electric Power Monthly report with additional data gathered through December 2023. The data is preliminary and will continue to be refined by the agency until it releases its final Electric Power Annual report

  • Colorado Lawmakers Reignite the State’s ‘Oil and Gas Wars’

    Colorado Lawmakers Reignite the State’s ‘Oil and Gas Wars’0

    Upon signing legislation to usher in a new regulatory paradigm for the industry, Governor Jared Polis famously declared an end to Colorado’s oil and gas wars in 2019. The state’s saber-rattling legislature has other ideas in mind for 2024. Emboldened by historic majorities in the legislature, Colorado Democrats have introduced Senate Bill 159, a measure to

  • Pricey Electrification Gets a Boost from Local Media

    Pricey Electrification Gets a Boost from Local Media0

    Many Democratic lawmakers, climate activists, and progressive academics see so-called beneficial electrification as the wave of the future for climate action. As such, there has been a growing chorus among this community in recent years calling for the end of natural gas heating systems and appliances and propping up their electric alternatives as superior options. Occasionally,


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