Understanding the Constitution: the 14th Amendment: Part I
- Constitution
- November 15, 2021
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READ MORESalon.com issued a defamatory article it has refused to correct.
READ MOREOnline tools combined with face-to-face instruction create what is known as blended learning. Effective integration of technology can allow more efficient use of instructional time and save schools money. Colorado is well positioned to implement and test blended learning programs on a larger scale. Charter and district public schools have begun to implement blended learning models and have seen promising results.
READ MOREIn the late 1990s, a gun prohibition organization adopted a strategy previously used by Jim Crow government officials against the free press: filing abusive lawsuits designed to cripple the businesses through the sheer cost of litigation against meritless claims. In response, most states, Colorado included, enacted legislation against such misuse of the judicial process. Eventually,
READ MORE“Defund the police” is not the slogan of people who sincerely believe that black lives matter. Rather, “defund the police” is the program of communists who want to establish a totalitarian police state. In the last year, they have made much progress towards their goal. As lawful, constitutional policing in the United States is defunded
READ MOREThe Independence Institute joined several organizations in an amicus brief accepted by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools v. Heinrich. We believe that the orders closing non-government K-12 schools while allowing daycare and colleges to stay open is illegal. Click here to read the full amicus brief.
READ MOREAccording to the Colorado Constitution: “The general assembly shall provide that after the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six the electors of the electoral college shall be chosen by direct vote of the people.” The Colorado Constitution is the only state constitution that guarantees the right to the people to direct election of presidential electors. In 2019,