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  • Do We Need Warning Labels For Lies In The Library0

    • April 17, 2002

    In September 2000, publishing house Alfred A. Knopf handed professional librarians a knotty problem. It published Arming America, a book in which Emory University professor Michael Bellesiles outlined research supposedly showing that guns were rare in America from the Colonial period to the Civil War. The book was awarded Columbia Universitys Bancroft Prize in history

  • Rail transit: bigger, dumber, slower, costlier0

    • April 14, 2002

    In the age of condoms, you’d think rubber would get more respect, especially when it comes to transportation. The U.S. 36 corridor is served by one of the best regional mass transit lines in the country RTD’s Boulder-Denver bus route. But the lust for steel wheels could damn this corridor to a fate worse than T-REX.

  • Online Education: Stop The Discrimination Now0

    • April 4, 2002

    The State of Colorado is discriminating against little Emma Moody, a home-schooled third grader. Emma has lived in Colorado since she was born, and Emma’s parents pay taxes in Colorado. Emma is facing a type of discrimination that takes place in no other state in the nation. Emma is barred from enrolling in public school online education programs, but Emma’s younger brother, David, can enroll in a public online program at the kindergarten or first grade level. The discrimination does not begin until you are entering second grade.

  • Don't Miss the HOV to HOT Lanes Conversion Opportunity0

    • April 4, 2002

    Both the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) can expect a dramatic reduction in highway and transportation funding from traditional sources over the next few years. Colorados highway network is already overrun with travelers, yet widened and expanded highways will not be pursued.

  • Why Pay More? Simple Insurance Reform Would Save Coloradans Millions0

    • April 1, 2002

    With simple changes to Colorado’s archaic health insurance regulations, state legislators could save an average family of four almost half a million dollars in health care costs.
    Health insurance policies with higher deductibles offer people the chance to combine relatively inexpensive higher deductible health insurance policies with federally authorized medical savings accounts that would be accepted by preferred provider organizations (MSA PPOs).

  • “We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ National ID Card…”0

    • March 7, 2002

    In February, the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA; www.aamva.org ) began lobbying Congress for $100 million plus federal legislation for a plan to nationalize and standardize the state-issued drivers license and link up databases across the country. In other words, to create a national ID card.