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  • A New Tool For Automobile Inspection & Maintenance0

    • January 12, 2002

    Federally-mandated emissions testing of automobiles in Colorado has decreased emissions, albeit much less than predicted. Recent breakthroughs in manufacturing low- emitting vehicles and in remote sensing of a moving car’s exhaust could enable Colorado to phase out or drastically increase the efficiency of treadmill-style testing centers.

  • Is Face Recognition Just High-Tech Snake Oil?0

    • January 10, 2002

    Last July, Tampa, Florida began using face-recognition technology to scan the faces of citizens engaging in such noxious behavior as strolling down the street, to compare to a database of criminals and runaways.

    This January, using open-record requests, the American Civil Liberties Union found that the system was essentially abandoned within months of its rollout.

  • A New Tool for Automobile Inspection and Maintenance0

    • January 5, 2002

    Federally-mandated emissions testing of automobiles in Colorado has decreased emissions, albeit much less than predicted. Recent breakthroughs in manufacturing low-emitting vehicles and in remote sensing of a moving car’s exhaust could enable Colorado to phase out or drastically increase the efficiency of treadmill-style testing centers.

  • Does RTD Flub, Fib and Cheat0

    • January 1, 2002

    Every year, the Regional Transportation District (RTD) is required to report to the Transportation Legislative Review Committee (CRS 43-2-145) about its compliance with a legislatively mandated farebox recovery ratio of 30 percent (CRS 32-9-119.7). The farebox recovery ratio means that passenger fares must pay for at least 30 percent of RTDs operating costs.

  • The Perils of Publicly-Subsidized Private Piggy Banks0

    • December 26, 2001

    Three separate incidents in the last month have shown that some people have no qualms about using other peoples businesses as their own private piggy banks.

    In Denver, officials think that some families of four with an income of $51,000 deserve subsidized housing. Rather than build subsidized housing with general tax revenues, they plan to tax new homeowners by requiring that developers either include affordable units in their projects or pay a $150,000 fee for every housing unit built.[1]

  • RTD Snake Charmers Have Lakewood Council In A Transit Trance0

    • December 19, 2001

    Like a cobra mesmerizing a mouse, lobbyists from RTDs utopian light rail team have convinced the Lakewood City Council to enact a city framework plan, which will set guidelines for a 22-month environmental impact study along 13th Avenue. Light rail is the ultimate goal of the framework plan, which will cost $450 million.