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Author's Posts

  • Conclusion: Reflection and New Hope for 2020

    Conclusion: Reflection and New Hope for 20200

    Conclusion of our series on the Colorado Green New Deal As the summer ends, it’s time to wrap up our series on the Colorado Green New Deal (CGND). Democrats in the house, senate, and governor’s office have been dedicated to moving the state toward what the Polis Administration describes as a “clean energy future.” This

  • Microgrids: save the date for disruptive technology

    Microgrids: save the date for disruptive technology0

    Autonomy, reliable electricity, and a business structure that renders the century old electric monopoly utility model obsolete. Wholesale adoption of microgrids hasn’t have arrived yet, but make no mistake, it’s on the way. Microgrids are like “uber for energy.” People will have the ability to choose what resource powers their home and may even have

  • Housing Data Vindicates Extraction Companies

    Housing Data Vindicates Extraction Companies0

    By: Tegan Truitt Sixth blog in our series on the Colorado Green New Deal In Colorado, the number of natural gas wells tripled from about 17,000 in 2004 to around 40,000 by the end of 2017. Crude oil production also spiked in the same time frame, increasing from a meager 114,000 barrels in 2004 to


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