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Author's Posts

  • Post Katrina: Autonomous Charter Schools Prove Successful

    Post Katrina: Autonomous Charter Schools Prove Successful0

    In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, instituting school choice in New Orleans has helped enliven and rebuild education and has reinforced proof of the effectiveness of charter school management. The study What Effect Did the New Orleans School Reforms Have On Student Achievement, High School Graduation, and College Outcomes? , conducted by Douglas Harris and Matthew Larsen,

  • Janus v. AFSCME: Free Speech Wins, Unions Lose

    Janus v. AFSCME: Free Speech Wins, Unions Lose0

    The Supreme Court of the United States today dealt a major blow to public sector employment unions. At issue was whether public sector unions are permitted to withhold fees, without consent, from employees who do not want to join the union. The specific law at issue in the case is an Illinois law that allowed


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