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Author's Posts

  • Congratulations DSST

    Congratulations DSST0

    Colorado’s charter schools are no rookies when it comes to setting school choice standards–so it’s no surprise that the Denver School of Science and Technology (DSST) charter school network received this year’s Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools, an award given to the country’s best public charter school network. The Broad Prize is awarded to

  • Becoming California won’t be cheap

    Becoming California won’t be cheap0

    Another summer, another command from Hick on High. Breaking out his best Barack Obama rule-by-executive-fiat pen, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed the erroneously titled “Maintaining Progress on Clean Vehicles” executive order. Load up your Nissan Leaf, the 21st Century family truckster.  It’s California or bust! Hick’s two-page executive order has more platitudes than substance and

  • Two very Different Views on Modest PERA Reform

    Two very Different Views on Modest PERA Reform0

    Remember the teacher walkouts this spring? According to the Colorado Education Association (CEA), one purpose of the rallies was to put pressure on the legislature to not require teachers to pay more into their Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) accounts and not to raise the retirement age for new teachers. The CEA was disappointed in

  • Swift condemnation for Boulder climate lawsuit and DC think tank

    Swift condemnation for Boulder climate lawsuit and DC think tank0

    “That was fast,” writes Energy in Depth’s Rebecca Simon regarding how quickly leading Coloradans and others denounced the city of Boulder and its “especially unfortunate” climate change lawsuit against the oil and gas industry. Her excellent summary includes commentary from the Denver Post, former Attorney General and Secretary of Interior Gale Norton, former head of


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