Save the Date! Join us for the first ever Colorado Microgrid Summit on Friday, November 8th!
We don’t want to be like California. Really. We don’t.
The stories and headlines coming out of Golden State are frightening after the nation’s biggest utility Pacific Gas & Electric cut off power to more than a million people to reduce the risk of wildfires in the face of high winds. A few examples: Californians learn “to live like the Amish”; low-income families struggle without power because they can’t afford “the luxury” of backup power; and businesses struggle to stay open.
While elected officials and the utility point fingers at one another, we should agree that this situation should never happen in the 21st Century; and we need to rethink if spending billions upgrading and repairing our antiquated centralized grid is the best way to invest consumer dollars.
The time has come for a serious discussion about microgrids, little islands of self-generating power. They can be a combination of solar panels or natural gas generators (or other source) with battery storage, providing power to individuals or small self-selecting groups.
Microgrids enjoy support from both the environmental left and the free market right.
We invite you to join us as we co-host, along with Clean Energy Action, the first ever Colorado Microgrid Summit on Friday, November 8 at the Independence Institute. The Summit features an incredible agenda of industry-leading microgrid and energy experts! This line up is like Woodstock for microgrid geeks!
Our speakers will discuss everything from what a microgrid is, to their wide appeal across the political spectrum, and what obstacles face Coloradans who may want to invest in them. We will explore this increasingly popular option to our current, but outdated, centralized grid.
Colorado Microgrid Summit
When: November 8th, 2019 from 8:30am to 3pm
Where: Independence Institute – 727 E. 16th Ave. Denver, CO 80203
Can’t make it to Denver? A live streaming option is available for those who want to hear from our experts but cannot attend in person. Learn more and register here!