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  • Guess the cost of Polis’ 100% renewable mandate

    Guess the cost of Polis’ 100% renewable mandate0

    • December 6, 2019

    Success with our Colorado Gives Day plan to give a lump of coal to politicians for Christmas! We hit our first target of $25,000, so the Speaker of the Colorado House, KC Becker, will be getting a lump of coal, literally. She gave us Prop CC, so it’s the least Santa can do for her.

  • Woodstock for Microgrid and Energy Geeks

    Woodstock for Microgrid and Energy Geeks0

    • October 15, 2019

    Save the Date!  Join us for the first ever Colorado Microgrid Summit on Friday, November 8th! We don’t want to be like California. Really. We don’t. The stories and headlines coming out of Golden State are frightening after the nation’s biggest utility Pacific Gas & Electric cut off power to more than a million people

  • What some people do for attention

    What some people do for attention0

    • October 14, 2019

    Office gossip: So our executive vice president, Amy Oliver Cooke (the original AOC), finally got shoulder surgery to repair the massive damage from a spill on her bicycle. She has to keep her arm completely immobilized for the next 6 weeks. This means she’s gimping around the office looking for sympathy with her arm glued

  • Microgrids: save the date for disruptive technology

    Microgrids: save the date for disruptive technology0

    • August 29, 2019

    Autonomy, reliable electricity, and a business structure that renders the century old electric monopoly utility model obsolete. Wholesale adoption of microgrids hasn’t have arrived yet, but make no mistake, it’s on the way. Microgrids are like “uber for energy.” People will have the ability to choose what resource powers their home and may even have

  • A Solution that Protects Liberty and Our Electricity

    A Solution that Protects Liberty and Our Electricity0

    • December 21, 2018

    Fifth article in our series about microgrids By: Casey Freeman Contributor: Brit Naas Security concerns surrounding America’s electric grid steadily grow as attacks and the threat of an attack increase. In 2015, Ukraine was victim to a large scale cyberattack on its electric grid, which resulted in 225,000 people without power. The attack has been

  • Ripe for Change: It’s Time to Consider Microgrids

    Ripe for Change: It’s Time to Consider Microgrids0

    • December 14, 2018

    Fourth article in our series about microgrids. What received a D+ rating and is in need of major updates and improvements? No, not the Denver Broncos’ coaching staff! The answer is the U.S. electric grid. The United States electric grid is still an engineering marvel, but much of it was built before the twenty-first century,