In three articles over the past few weeks we have pointed out that:
* The media line that there is a 5-4 “conservative majority” on the Supreme Court is misleading nonsense, and that the Court’s decisions this term will show that.
* Sure enough, the first major decision of the term was an 8-0 “liberal” result. This decision was reached before Justice Kavanaugh was on the court—but
* Given his background and the composition of the rest of the court, Justice Kavanaugh probably would not change much—and that he certainly would not be the firm originalist that Trump supporters were hoping for.
Now commentators and mainstream media outlets are now chattering about how the majority of justices have (1) (with Kavanaugh joining the liberals) refused to take a case that might force them to rule against Planned Parenthood, and (2) (with Kavanaugh in the minority) kept in place a lower court order against the Trump adminstration’s asylum policy.
Well, that didn’t take long.
Yet, true to form, some media outlets continue to claim the court has a “conservative majority.” What they must think is that any court not comprised of a majority of left-wing judicial activists is therefore “conservative.”