Twentieth Century Dictionaries
14 The Oxford English Dictionary 843 (2d ed. 1989)
Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language 1287 (2d College ed., David B. Guralik ed., 1972)
Webster’s Third New 2052 International Dictionary 20 (1971)
Webster’s International Dictionary of the English Language 2262 (2d ed, 1955 & 1960)
New American Roget’s College Thesaurus 324 (1958)
Laird & Lee’s Webster’s New Standard Dictionary of the English Language 317 (1920)
8 The New English Dictionary 361 (James A.H. Murray, Oxford Univ. Press 1914)
2 Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language 1910 (W.T. Harris ed. 1911)
Nineteenth Century Dictionaries
The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language (William Collins, Sons, and Company, London and Glasgow, 1874)
The Century Dictionary of the English Language (William Dwight Whitney ed., The Century Company, New York 1890-91) (vol. 5 only)
The Encyclopaedic Dictionary (Cassell & Company, Limited, London, Paris, New York & Melbourne 1887)
William Chambers, Chambers’s Etymological Dictionary (W&R Chambers, London and Edinburgh, 1874)
The Globe Dictionary of the English Language (William Collins, Sons, and Company, London and Glasgow, 1873)
John Longmuir, Walker and Webster Combined in A Dictionary of the English Language (Aberdeen, 1864)
John Ogilvie, The Imperial Dictionary of the English Language (Blackie & Son, London 1883) (vol. 4 only)
Webster’s Academic Dictionary: Dictionary of the English Language (American Book Company, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago 1895)
Noah Webster, American Dictionary of the English Language (1st ed. S Converse, New York 1828) (vol. 1)
Noah Webster, American Dictionary of the English Language (1st ed. S Converse, New York 1828) (vol. 2)
Noah Webster, An American Dictionary of the English Language (3d ed. S. Converse, New York 1830)
Nineteenth Century Newspaper Articles (in chronological order)
Religious, Vermont Chronicle, Mar. 2, 1842
What is Sectarianism? Ohio Observer, Mar. 26, 1845
The Denominational Spirit, Ohio Observer, Jan. 9, 1850
Growth of the West, New Hampshire Statesman, May 5, 1860
Letter to the Editor, Boston Investigator, May 16, 1860
Multiple Classified Advertisements, Boston Investigator, Jan. 25, 1860
Letter to the Editor, Pugilistic Clergymen, Boston Investigator, Mar. 13, 1861
Religious Intelligence, The Daily Cleveland Herald, Feb. 2, 1870
What Constitutes a Christian: A Blow at Dogmatists and Sectarians, N.Y. Times, Feb. 13, 1871
The Riot in New York and Wednesday, The Atlanta Daily Sun, Jul. 14, 1871
Religious Tendency of the Times, Daily Central City Register, Jan. 17, 1872
Thanksgiving Day and What It Suggests, Daily Rocky Mtn. News, Nov. 27, 1873
The University, Daily Rocky Mountain News, Dec. 24, 1873
A Woman’s Letter, Daily Rocky Mtn. News, Mar. 6, 1875
The Easter Festival, Daily Rocky Mtn. News, Mar. 28, 1875
The Electoral Vote, Daily Rocky Mtn. News, Nov. 10, 1875
The Quakers, Daily Rocky Mtn. News, Dec. 5, 1875
At the church congress . . .,” Daily Rocky Mtn. News, Nov. 16, 1875
Mr. Moody in recent sermon is reported to have said . . . , Daily Rocky Mtn. News, Jan. 7, 1876
Christianity in the Constitution, Daily Rocky Mtn. News, Jan. 11, 1876
Telegraphic, Daily Rocky Mtn. News, Aug. 10, 1876
J.M. Sturtevant, Indifferentism, The Congregationalist, Boston, Sept. 20, 1876
Winthrop D. Sheldon, Colorado College Announcement, Daily Rocky Mtn. News, Dec. 22, 1876
Canadian Department, Boston Investigator, Dec. 27, 1876
Rutherford Hayes, The Nation, Milwaukee Sentinel, Dec. 7, 1880