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Author's Posts

  • Radical Reorganization of Colorado’s Electric Grid: The Cost of Keeping the Lights On

    Radical Reorganization of Colorado’s Electric Grid: The Cost of Keeping the Lights On0

    IP-3-2019 (October 2019) Author: Grant Mandigora with contributors: David Wojick, Ph.D., Isaac Orr, Mitchell Rolling, and Brit Naas. DOWNLOAD REPORT (PDF) Executive Summary: Colorado Governor Jared Polis wants to see a renewable energy transition within the next 20 years and has cited future savings as evidence that it should be undertaken. However, he has also

  • The Coalition of Ratepayers Case Study

    The Coalition of Ratepayers Case Study0

    The Coalition of Ratepayers is a Colorado non-profit composed of small businesses and individuals. It has been an active party in two electric utility regulatory proceedings: the Rush Creek Wind Farm and the Colorado Energy Plan (CEP). The Coalition first intervened against the Rush Creek Wind Farm, and although the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) approved

  • Microgrid Technology: The Option for the Individual

    Microgrid Technology: The Option for the Individual0

    Third article in our series about microgrids By Casey Freeman The combination of new technology and the free market has given average people access to goods and services that until recently were readily available only to the upper echelons of society.  For example, ordering a nice car to your door to chauffer you around town

  • The Cost & Impact of a 100 Percent Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard for the State of Colorado

    The Cost & Impact of a 100 Percent Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard for the State of Colorado0

    As the 2018 Colorado governor’s race intensifies, two Democrat candidates have proposed extending Colorado’s existing Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) from 30 percent by 2020 to 100 percent by 2040. The purpose of this study is to highlight some of the main costs and impacts associated with a hypothetical 100 percent RPS in Colorado. Because few details have been released regarding the design of such a policy, this study evaluated the costs associated with two very different 100 percent RPS scenarios.


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