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Author's Posts

  • Dr. Polis Prescribes Even Higher Utility Bills

    Dr. Polis Prescribes Even Higher Utility Bills0

    Primum non nocere. Translation: first, do no harm. It’s a phrase that has been part of the medical ethics lexicon since the 17th century. Coloradans would have been wise to apply it to energy policy some two decades ago, when the eco-left began politicizing energy production, electricity, and our grid. Flanked by low-income customers, Governor

  • Radical Reorganization of Colorado’s Electric Grid: The Cost of Keeping the Lights On

    Radical Reorganization of Colorado’s Electric Grid: The Cost of Keeping the Lights On0

    IP-3-2019 (October 2019) Author: Grant Mandigora with contributors: David Wojick, Ph.D., Isaac Orr, Mitchell Rolling, and Brit Naas. DOWNLOAD REPORT (PDF) Executive Summary: Colorado Governor Jared Polis wants to see a renewable energy transition within the next 20 years and has cited future savings as evidence that it should be undertaken. However, he has also


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