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Author's Posts

  • The State of K-12 Union Contract Transparency

    The State of K-12 Union Contract Transparency0

    More than a decade before Proposition 104 shone a light on the negotiation process, the General Assembly required that the negotiation product should be made available using online technology. Lacking any sort of enforcement mechanism, a significant minority of bargaining school districts have fallen short of the basic expectation, though persistent reminders helped in many cases. Given the experience with union contract transparency, citizens should not take for granted full compliance with the letter and spirit of the new open negotiations law.

  • Exciting Stuff: Jeffco’s Jefferson Area Plan Moves Closer to a Vote0

    Some positive efforts for change are underway in the Jefferson Articulation Area, one of Jeffco’s most challenging regions. An important improvement plan faces a March 5 board vote. The plan is the culmination of a huge process that pulled together district officials, school leaders, community members, and parents. Education collaboration is a beautiful thing. Let’s hope it leads to better results for students!


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