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  • 2019 School Board Candidate Briefing Materials

    2019 School Board Candidate Briefing Materials0

    • October 8, 2019

    One of the Education Policy Center’s primary goals is to educate local education leaders about important education policy issues, thereby equipping them to make smart, well-informed decisions in their school districts. As part of that effort, the Education Policy Center staff provide biennial education policy briefings to all interested school board candidates, regardless of political

  • Seniority policies put excellent teachers’ jobs at risk

    Seniority policies put excellent teachers’ jobs at risk0

    • December 17, 2016

    Effective teachers are the lifeblood of education. More than any other school-related factor, teachers have deep and lasting impacts on students’ futures. But despite the power of effective teaching, nearly half of Colorado’s unionized school districts are operating under negotiated policies or agreements that place students’ educations and excellent teachers’ jobs at risk by unlawfully prioritizing simple seniority, or length of service, over performance in layoff situations.

  • Eternal LIFO: Unlawful Layoff Procedures in Unionized Colorado School Districts

    Eternal LIFO: Unlawful Layoff Procedures in Unionized Colorado School Districts0

    • November 30, 2016

    Passed in 2010, Senate Bill 191 was a landmark piece of education reform legislation that garnered significant bipartisan support, including unanimous support from Republican legislators. The bill amended Colorado’s Licensed Personnel Performance Evaluation Act and the Teacher Employment, Compensation, and Dismissal Act (TECDA) to align state statute more closely with the goal of ensuring that every student is taught by an effective teacher.

  • Education Labor Handbook: A Guide to Collective Bargaining Reform in Colorado

    Education Labor Handbook: A Guide to Collective Bargaining Reform in Colorado0

    • May 24, 2016

    Colorado’s education labor landscape is complicated. But despite the heavy contractual jargon and often inscrutable political currents, there are tremendous  opportunities for meaningful, sensible reform. Written by Senior Education Policy Analyst Ben DeGrow and co-authored by Education Policy Analyst Ross Izard, the Education Labor Handbook provides the most comprehensive view of collective bargaining reform in

  • Colorado Teachers, Get Up to $65 Back0

    • November 16, 2015

    Teachers who are members of the Colorado Education Association (CEA) are eligible for as much as $65 in annual political refunds through the Every Member Option (EMO) program. The CEA raises political funds through a structure known as EMO. In 2015-16, $41) is deducted from the yearly earnings of every full-time member teacher (part-time member […]

  • Future of Education in Colorado Being Decided in Local School Districts0

    • September 10, 2015

    A war is raging for the very soul of education in Colorado. Local education reform’s fiery collision with powerful entrenched interests has turned Jefferson County and Thompson school districts into high-stakes battlefields.