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Author's Posts

  • 07/03/140

    Education Policy Center Newsletter July 3, 2014
    In this issue
    — Colorado, California Tenure Rulings Take Center Stage
    — DeGrow Challenges Jeffco Anti-Reform Crowd
    — New Reports Strengthen Case for Scholarship Tax Credits
    — State-Level Reforms Stay on Radar for 2015
    — Center Welcomes Ross Izard, Celebrates Independence Day

  • Dougco Choice Spirit on Display with Aspiring Florida School Board Leader0

    Writing over at redefinED today, Travis Pillow features a Floridian named Brian Graham, a school choice supporter who is running for his local Board of Education: If he’s successful this fall, he will join the small but growing ranks of school board members around the state – including his friend Jason Fischer in neighboring Duval […]


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