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The Federal Governments War On Medical Innovation – Forbes

At Forbes.com, Paul Hsieh, MD writes:

The federal government is waging a stealth two-pronged war on medical innovation. And it will cost not just American jobs, but American lives.

The first prong is through new taxes. Recently, the Cook Medical company announced that it was canceling plans to open new factories because of the impending ObamaCare tax on medical device manufacturers scheduled to take effect in 2013. …

The second prong of the war on innovation is through regulations. The Wall Street Journal recently reported how a single FDA scientist, Dr. Robert Smith, blocked approval of digital mammography machines for several years last decade. …

When you need advanced medical care in 2022, don’t let the government’s war on medical innovation restrict your doctor to today’s 2012 technology.

The Federal Governments War On Medical Innovation – Forbes.