May state legislative applications limit an Article V convention? Subject, yes; specific language, probably not
- September 12, 2013
A local colleague, Dr. Matthew Bowdish, has declared, “I will not undermine the Second or Fourth Amendment rights of any of my patients who are lawful gun owners. Nor will I record my patients’ gun ownership status in any medical records that could be accessed by government officials unless relevant to a specific medical issue.” This should be the credo of all freedom-loving physicians. Continue reading
READ MOREIn Oklahoma City, there’s an alternative health care market taking shape in which hospitals offers competitive flat fee prices to self-funded companies. And it’s all modeled after the Surgery Center. Continue reading
READ MOREAt Forbes, Denver physician Paul Hsieh explains five ways to protect yourself against Obamacare: Continue reading
READ MORELast month, in answer to the question “Which of the following best describes your feelings about the ACA?” 55 percent of more than 3,000 doctors chose “repeal and replace” whereas 40 percent said “implement and improve” it. Continue reading
READ MOREThe industry that gave us stents, replacement joints and defibrillators will get a dose of bad fiscal medicine. Continue reading
READ MORETechnology enabling “personalized medicine, where the therapy that’s best for you will be based on your physiology and genetic makeup – and may not be right for any other patient.” But ObamaCare blocks this. Continue reading