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  • Merit Academy: A Story of Perseverance

    Merit Academy: A Story of Perseverance0

    • May 8, 2023

    Merit Academy: A Story of Perseverance tells the eventful story of how citizens in the small community of Woodland Park realized a gap in educational options. Determined to meet the needs of families, they worked against all odds so that families wouldn’t have to drive their children long distances to other communities. Read about Merit

  • Liberty Common Charter School: Excellence in Education

    Liberty Common Charter School: Excellence in Education0

    • January 24, 2021

    In Liberty Common Charter School: Excellence in Education, Senior Fellow in Education Policy Ross Izard shares the success of a Fort Collins parent-led public charter school that meets the standard of excellence. Liberty Common is a K-12 public charter school authorized by the Poudre School District in Fort Collins, Colorado. Students in kindergarten through grade eight

  • An Overview of Colorado K-12 Career and Technical Education

    An Overview of Colorado K-12 Career and Technical Education0

    • July 9, 2020

    Over the past several decades Career and Technical Education (CTE) has emerged as a robust avenue for promoting educational options for public school students ranging from those who would have been traditionally served by vocational education programs to college-bound students in high demand fields.

  • Power Technical: Preparing Educated and Ethical Leaders in the Trades

    Power Technical: Preparing Educated and Ethical Leaders in the Trades0

    • January 27, 2020

    Power Technical (PTEC) is a career and technical education-focused public charter school in the James Irwin Charter Schools network. Authorized by Falcon District 49, the school serves students from across the Colorado Springs area who choose to pursue an education built around preparation for careers in skilled trades.

  • Will the Supreme Court strike down bigoted state constitutional rules?

    Will the Supreme Court strike down bigoted state constitutional rules?0

    • January 12, 2020

    [T]he history of anti-sectarian clauses shows that “sectarian” is not a synonym for “religious” and anti-sectarian clauses were not designed merely to discriminate against religion. Instead, they were designed to discriminate in favor of some religions and against others.

  • 2019 School Board Candidate Briefing Materials

    2019 School Board Candidate Briefing Materials0

    • October 8, 2019

    One of the Education Policy Center’s primary goals is to educate local education leaders about important education policy issues, thereby equipping them to make smart, well-informed decisions in their school districts. As part of that effort, the Education Policy Center staff provide biennial education policy briefings to all interested school board candidates, regardless of political