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  • John F. Kennedy, RIP0

    • November 24, 2013

    History tends to correct the errors of contemporaneous perceptions, and on the 50th anniversary of his assassination there were far fewer mentions than in prior years about President Kennedy’s “greatness.” I was coming of age when President Kennedy was shot, and well remember the shock, first in my high school study hall and next in

  • Colorado, Here's One Way You Can Learn from Montana—Reject the Obamacare Medicaid Extension0

    • April 21, 2013

    Colorado’s legislature and governor have opted to endanger our state’s financial future—and the quality of health care—by yoking Colorado to Obamacare’s risky and expensive “Medicaid expansion.” This is one area in which Colorado could take a lesson from our sister state to the north, Montana. Montana has a long history of what used to be

  • Colorado Medicaid expansion would make 86,000 college students eligible0

    • January 24, 2013

    by Linda Gorman Gov. John Hickenlooper wants yet another expansion of Colorado Medicaid. This one will cover the more than 86,000 college students in Colorado that the Census Bureau estimates have incomes below the federal poverty level. It also will cover the unknown number of otherwise healthy single students above the poverty level who have