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  • In 2013, Get Ready For An ObamaCare Tax Onslaught0

    • January 16, 2013

    At Forbes.com, Grace-Marie Turner summarizes the new taxes imposed by Obamacare: (1) Medical Device Tax; (2) A new Surtax on Investment Income; (3) A new Medicare Tax; (4) The new Flexible Spending Account Tax; (5)ObamaCare also tightens the screws on Itemized Medical Deductions. Continue reading

  • Medicaid expansion has hidden costs0

    • January 6, 2013

    by Linda Gorman The federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has radically restructured federal subsidy programs for medical care. For the first time in decades, Colorado can begin bringing state expenditures in line with tax revenues by using federal money to reverse the excessive growth in its Medicaid and child health insurance programs.

  • To reform Medicare, first expose its moral bankruptcy0

    • December 4, 2012

    Is Medicare compatible with the founding principle of America — that each individual has a right to live for the sake of his own happiness and not have the fruits of his productivity confiscated for others? Continue reading