Understanding the Constitution: the 14th Amendment: Part I
- November 15, 2021
More than half of the people who had individual health insurance in 2010 were enrolled in plans that won’t pass the new standards set up by Obama’s law. Continue reading
READ MOREEconomist John Cochrane suggests free-market health care reforms that Congress should enact if the Supreme Court strikes down ObamaCare Continue reading
READ MOREFormer Reason magazine editor Virginia Postrel argues that people should be able to buy birth control as they do condoms: Without a prescription. This would diffuse the controversy on government’s mandate that health plans cover birth control. Continue reading
READ MORE3 lessons: Health insurance should be uncoupled from employment Mandated benefits will become political footballs. We must fight for freedom as a principle. Continue reading
READ MOREIn a free society, we … allow individuals to pursue their individual goals according to their “different moral convictions.” We don’t force them into relationships, whether with employers or insurance companies or whomever, that offend those convictions. Continue reading
READ MOREThe non-compromise Obama floated does not reduce by one penny the amount of money he would force Catholics to spend on contraception. Worse, this mandate is just one manifestation of how the president’s health care law will grind up the freedom of every American. Continue reading