Understanding the Constitution: the 14th Amendment: Part I
- November 15, 2021
In other words, lack of insurance coverage for contraception is equivalent to being forced not to use contraception. That is some strange argument, but it’s what we’ve come to expect from members of the “world’s greatest deliberative body.” So the question remains: What has this got to do with insurance? Continue reading
READ MORE“Insurance providers will not have to offer any new health benefits beyond what the state of Colorado already mandates … in order to sell policies in health benefits exchanges, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced.” This won’t be a “race to the bottom,” contrary to critics. Continue reading
READ MOREThe political process for controlling health plans is akin to having the FCC decide what features cell phone plans should cover. Surely there would be groups pushing to ban, say, plans that lack unlimited text messaging. This would increase the price of all plans, even for those who never text.
READ MORERead Michael Cannon‘s post ObamaCare’s Preventive-Care Subsidies: Neither Free nor Cost-Effective | Cato @ Liberty.
READ MOREPaul Hsieh, MD describes how interest groups are clamoring to have government require all legal health plans include certain mandated benefits, hence driving up the costs of the most basic health plans and requiring you to buy a plan with benefits you may neither want or need. Continue reading
READ MOREThe Health & Human Services’ mandate on all new health plans (“insurance”) to cover breast pumps and birth control is just one example of how the 2010 health control act turns insurance companies into a vehicle for socialized medicine.