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  • With due respect to the Supreme Court, some campaign finance laws are unconstitutional

    With due respect to the Supreme Court, some campaign finance laws are unconstitutional0

    • July 17, 2017

    But Citizens United included a second decision, one rarely mentioned. In this part of the case, the court upheld federal laws requiring contributors to political ads to publicly reveal their names. Unlike the first ruling, the second was a constitutional mistake. Although the court has since reaffirmed its position, it should promptly reconsider.

  • Supreme Court’s Ruling Against the PC Police

    Supreme Court’s Ruling Against the PC Police0

    • June 23, 2017

    The Supreme Court’s decision this week in Matal v. Tam sent a clear warning to government officials who seek to curtail speech they deem offensive: We won’t let you do it! The warning was particularly pointed for the PC Police at state universities who try to close down viewpoints they find “offensive.” A federal law ordered the

  • The Define and Punish Clause doesn’t authorize vast federal power either

    The Define and Punish Clause doesn’t authorize vast federal power either0

    • June 14, 2017

    Legal commentators have spread a good deal of ink trying to show that the Constitution authorizes the enormous expansion of the federal government since the 1930s. Leading the way have been some associated—as professors, students, or alumni—with the most privileged educational institutions: Harvard, Yale, Chicago, and so forth. Their publications inflated the Commerce Clause to