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Paul Ryan video illustrates Medicare’s problems & path to solution

Rep. Paul Ryan, chair of the House Budget Committee, narrates a good video using “sticky” visuals  about how Medicare is a financial train wreck, and how converting it to a voucher program for (not-so-private) insurance plans would be an improvement.

Read full text of video.

Oddly, this sounds like “health insurance exchanges” for Medicare.  Certainly not ideal, but an improvement over Medicare now – a move in the right direction toward free-markets.  However, replacing the direct-purchase insurance market (non-group) with government run exchanges is a move in the wrong direction.

For a good critique of Paul Ryan’s budget plan, check out the NPR piece (!) that summarizes Reason.com editor Nick Gillespie’s article, ‘Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly.

Also check out this primer on free-market Medicare reform.